Ostame auto

Buying used cars


Quick and easy process

allcars.ee offers a fast and easy process for buying cars. Customers can fill out an online application or contact the company by phone and get a preliminary estimate of the value of their car.

Competitive prices

allcars.ee offers competitive prices for buying cars. Customers can get the maximum possible value for their car based on the current market and the condition of the vehicle.

Free assessment

allcars.ee offers a free assessment of the car before buying it. This allows customers to get a more accurate idea of the real value of their car.

Quick payment

allcars.ee provides quick payment for the car. This means that customers can get the money directly into their account as soon as the transaction is completed.


allcars.ee ensures the safety of the transaction. Customers can be sure that they will get a fair price for their car and will be protected from fraud and other problems associated with buying cars.


allcars.ee offers customers a convenient way to sell their car without the need to spend time and effort finding a buyer. Customers can sell their car quickly and easily, freeing them from the hassle of selling a car.